Thursday, February 11, 2010

jessus is the great god

The moments of great difficulties are the moments when the most resounding victories are being born. Look in the Bible and take your pick: Abraham, Joseph, Moses, then in the new testament all Jesus’ disciples who following the example of Christ, their Master, were persecuted in a multitude of ways, all people who wanted to live a life close to God had to go through some kind of hardships. Imagine yourself in the shoes of Abraham (an influential and wealthy man in his community) whom God asked to leave his own land and move to an unknown country and live there in a tent. God promised him a son and after a long and hard test of patience in waiting for this baby to be born, God asked Abraham to bring his son Isaac as a sacrifice – that meant to actually sacrifice him on an altar in other words, this should have been Isaac’s death. Do you think Abraham obeyed God? Yes he did, he was about to kill his son but God stopped him and gave him a lamb instead. God only tried Abraham’s faithfulness, tested his faith. It is a very difficult test isn’t it? It is but Abraham is the man who heard amazing promises from God namely that God will bless the whole world trough his seed. A big test for a great man!Joseph, a young and talented man with a bright future ahead, was sold as a slave by his brothers, this is the way he ended up in Egypt. It was so unfair! Yet, God did not forget about him in Egypt! Although another series of misfortunes came his way and Joseph was imprisoned for two and a half years, by the time his share of trials ended God knew how to propel him right at the top of the hierarchy! He was the second most influential man in Egypt! Before becoming the great leader, Moses, had to spend 40 years in the desert to be prepared for such an extensive work of leading the people of Israel to their promised land. In the New Testament, the apostle Paul sees suffering for Christ as a great honor and the struggles, the difficulties he had are perceived as something normal, rather ongoing than accidental."For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for Him, since you are going through the same struggle you saw I had, and now hear that I still have." Philippians 1:29-30 It was difficult for the apostle Paul back in those days yet his writings have been teaching and influencing Christians for almost 2000 years!It is that principle- battle followed by victory: the more of a struggle you go through now, the more God will lift you up just like He did with Jesus Christ.That’s why Paul advices us that our attitude should be just like Christ’s was: "He humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the Name that is above every name, that at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, in Heaven and on Earth and under the Earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Philippians 2:8b-11With just a few of the many examples we have at our disposal in the Bible, what do you see in your life? Do you also suffer because of Him? Sufferings and struggle because of obeying God are normal for Christians but, together with these, the greatest blessings are coming along!That’s why, do not despair and do not be afraid when you see huge and seemingly insurmountable mountains ahead! All God’s great people had those! All of them! Instead of being worried you should be glad that you are given a chance to become a great person of faith! The greater the difficulty, the greater the victory!Always keep this in mind and look at Jesus Christ, He suffered most, more than every man who has ever lived on earth but He also God the greatest position of them all- to be equal with God!Do you know that God wants you to reign in life with HIM? That’s why, do not despise your trials and troubles, they are but steps into making you a greater person and into getting your heart closer to Christ’s. Jesus said "I am with you always until the end of times", therefore, believe this promise, ask Jesus Christ to give you strength for your battle and press on to your victory because it might be much closer than you think! Is it very difficult? It means God knows that you are able to go through it successfully; the more difficult it is, the greater your triumph will be and you will qualify to encourage others who go through the same problems. Keep fighting!
i go to church every day to pray jessus .he is always great.........